30 July 2007

Nottingham Pride 2007

Well what a great day! The sun shone (and more importantly it didn't rain!) The event at the Arboretum was well attended with more people than last years turnout. Lots of people made the effort to dress up and the entertainment was fab!

The UNISON stall was set up and shared with the Notts CC staff group owing to the lack of a table from the organisers. Brian and myself set up the banner on the main bandstand (lots of string holding it together from the breeze) and with Matt, put all the leaflets out.

We had 6 members from the Branch and Staff Groups helping out on the stall throughout the day, together with Ravi from Regional (thanks guys and gals!) and we had a visit from the illustrious Jill Turner, Notts. Branch Secretary to see how we were doing.

We recruited 4 new LGBT staff from the region and others and highlighted the work of the SOG (self-organised group) to all those who visited.

Next year we hope to have a more prominent stall and possibly in coming years a joint TU march - watch this space! What more can I say - all in all a great day out!

Phil x (Branch LGBT Officer)

17 July 2007

Notts Branch LGBT SOG Meeting - 12th June

Hi All,

This was attended by about 70% of our normal LGBT Notts. County Council Staff group people and came up with a few proposals for motions at the LGBT Delegates conference in Glasgow. These were:

  • Campaign to alter the Blood Transfusion Service Policy to stop it excluding LGBT people
  • Campaign to stop homophobic bullying in schools
  • Campaign to allow retired members of UNISON to still contribute

I am hoping that these can be edited up into the correct format and taken by the the nominees to the conference. As there were more men than allowed under union rules, we will need to undertake a selection procedure for those wishing to go.

I also attended a very useful conference on homophobia in Education given by Stonewall in London and have further information on this for anyone interested.

Phil Smith,

Branch LGBT officer