08 December 2005

Smoking Ban at County Council?

The County Council is proposing a ban on smoking at work.

We sought the views of our members via this weblog and a consultation slip in the November/December edition of Notts UNISON News with the deadline for responses of 16th December. Thanks to those who filled in the slips. The result is

81% in favour of a ban, 19% against a ban

This 4:1 margin gives the Branch Officers a clear mandate for negotiations about a smoking ban.

You can download Notts UNISON news in pdf format by visiting the NUN online page of the branch website

02 December 2005


This is the weblog for Nottinghamshire County Branch of UNISON.

We place items here to seek members' comments. If you wish to comment, please ensure that you include your name and workplace. This is to ensure that the blog is not abused by spammers and non-members of the branch.