25 October 2006

UNISON members remortgage for free with Britannia BS

Britannia Building Society is removing the arrangement fee from its remortgage packages, with effect from Thursday 28 September.

UNISON members taking a Britannia remortgage package will benefit from no arrangement fee or administration fee, a free standard valuation, and free conveyancing, including compulsory disbursements - a saving of £829* for a typical customer. In addition UNISON members also receive £150 cashback on completion of the mortgage.

For further information please contact your local Britannia advisor: GAIL WASHINGTON on 07739 734450

Or visit the Britannia stand in County Hall Foyer on Tuesday 31st October between 11.30am and 2pm

* A saving of £829 is based on:
- £399 Arrangement fee
- £100 Administration fee
- £150 standard valuation (based on a property valued between £100,000 and £150,000)
- £180 coveyancing fees

16 October 2006

Six weeks of campaigning to save the LGPS!

The next six weeks are going to be absolutely crucial to the future of the LGPS. The LGA and the Employers are pushing for a worse scheme for higher contributions despite saving money already by removing the 85 Rule and introducing the 25% lump sum commutation. And neither they or the Government have yet agreed to more protection so…every single UNISON member covered by the scheme is being asked to campaign for its life over the next six weeks, until the draft Regulations outlining the proposed LGPS for the future are published. Read on to find out what you must do.

LGPS Mass Lobby of Parliament: 22 November 2006

As a culmination of the next phase of our campaign, UNISON has decided to hold a rally and mass LGPS lobby of Parliament on 22 November. This date has been chosen because it hopefully falls before the draft Regulations on the new scheme appear, and even if we have them by then, will provide the opportunity to let MP’s know what we want in terms of protection and the new scheme from 2008. We want every branch to send representatives, covering as many LGPS employers as possible.

Political action is the key

Political action is going to be key to winning this dispute. MPs and the Government have to be made to realise that we will not accept an increase in employee contribution for reduced pension benefits and that our fight for full protection goes on. Local elections and the national one in Wales in May 2007 provide an important focus for our political campaign. UNISON members hold the balance in many marginal constituencies, so let’s make our numbers felt!

Further details of the lobby will be issued next week. UNISON will be producing a lobby pack which will include a briefing for you to use when lobbying your MP. In the meantime please make a note of the date – 22 November 2006.

LGA/LGE Response to the DCLG Consultation Paper

The Local Government Association (LGA) and Local Government Employers (LGE) Pensions Committee response to the DCLG consultation was published on 12 October 2006. It suggests support among a minority of councils and employers for an increase in employee contributions and reduced ill health benefits, without some of the key improvements we are looking for from the savings already made on your pension. This ‘more for less’ approach is completely unacceptable and we need to make that clear.

It should be noted that the response is based on only 64 returns from local authorities and 23 other participating employers. So far we do not know which employers/authorities responded to the LGE survey or how they break down according to size or type. The following are the responses under key headings. There is no mention of further protection for existing scheme members.

Scheme Structure

84% of respondents supported a final salary scheme
66% supported retaining the existing scheme structure of 1/80th pension, plus 3/80th lump sum accrual rate
Only 18% supported moving to an improved 1/60th accrual rate

Employee Contributions

72% felt that the average employee contribution should increase to 7% of pay
79% did not support variable employee contributions
81% supported some form of cost sharing - effectively capping employer contributions and triggering an increase in employee contributions or a benefit cut, if exceeded

Employer Contributions

65% supported the LGA position that the employer contribution for future service should be no more than 13% of pay
57% said that the basis for cost sharing should be that any increase in employer future service contribution caused by further improvements in longevity exceeding 13% should be passed on to the employee by way of a benefit cut or increased employee contributions

Ill Health Retirement

71% supported the view that there should be two tier provision
54% agreed there should not be any service enhancement for those in the lower tier ( e.g. those permanently unable to do their own job, but capable of other work)

Pensions for unmarried partners

85% support the introduction of partners’ pensions but…
76% only want it introduced from the date a forthcoming Law Commission report legally defines a ‘cohabitee’

What does your employer think?

We need to be able to demonstrate to DCLG that the LGA\LGE response is not supported by every employer. The Branch will be contacting the local authority to find out if they responded to the consultation. If they did, we will ask them for a copy of their submission and send it to the LGPS Campaign Unit. We will also ask the local authority to write to the Secretary of State, Ruth Kelly at the DCLG, supporting increased protection and opposing an increase in employee contributions for reduced pension benefits.

How you can help

You can help by writing to the Secretary of State, Ruth Kelly at the DCLG (address below) supporting increased protection and opposing an increase in employee contributions for reduced pension benefits. Please send all copies of correspondence you get to the LGPS campaign Unit LGPS@unison.co.uk postal address: LGPS Campaign Unit, UNISON, 1 Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9AJ

Rt. Hon. Ruth Kelly MP
Secretary of State
Eland House
Bressenden Place
London SW1 5DU

You can also keep an eye out for details about the lobby of Parliament on 22nd November and consider taking part in it. Put the date in your diary!

Lobby your MP and Council Leader at local level and make it clear that we will not sit by and watch LGPS members get even more unequal pension treatment! If you can’t get to see them, write. Model letters will be on the UNISON web site www.unison.org.uk

During this phase of political campaigning we will also continue organising for possible further industrial action. So, speak to all non-union members in your workplace and ask them to join UNISON in advance of the ballot.

12 October 2006

Black History Month Press Release



October is celebrated as Black History Month in the UK and Nottinghamshire UNISON's Black Members Group has been working with a number of organisations including the City and County Library services, performance artists "Blackdrop" and the Broadway Cinema to put on a range of events.

A display has been set up in County Hall reception from 9th to 20th October and events have been organised on the following lunchtimes between 12 and 2 pm:

  • Thurs 12th Oct: Meet a Nottingham College Lecture & Rastaman who will talk about his religion and beliefs, his new book and his work in Nottingham schools.

  • Friday 13th Oct: Interactive book reading session - discussing the book "Small Island" by Andrea Levy.

  • Mon 16th Oct: Performances by Blackdrop

  • Thurs 19th Oct: Carnival Costumes on display find out how they are made
Also at the Golden Fleece on Mansfield Road there will be a World Music event on Thurs 19th October @ 8pm (free entry) and the Broadway Cinema is having a special series of films "Africa at the Cinema" over the month.

The City and County library Services are organising events.

There will be a large collection of books and archive material on display at the following County libraries: Arnold, Beeston, Mansfield, Newark, Stapleford, and West Bridgford. For more details visit the website: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/home/leisure/libraries.htm

The City Library Service will have arts and craft activities and fun days as well as opportunities to check out your family history. Food and drink will also be available.
  • Saturday 21st October: 10.30am-12.30pm. Have a go at African Shield Making and creating your own African jewellery at RADFORD/LENTON LIBRARY, Lenton Blvd Tel: 0115 9151790

  • Monday 23rd October: 2.30pm-4.30pm. Create your own African jewellery and have fun designing and painting onto glass MEADOWS LIBRARY, Wilford Grove, Nottingham, Tel: 0115 9159279

  • Wednesday 25th October: 10.30am-12.30pm. Drop in for African Shield Making and creating your own African jewellery at HYSON GREEN LIBRARY, Gregory Blvd, Nottingham Tel: 0115 9152483

  • Want to know more about your family history for Black History Month? Why not come along to one of the special events planned to take place in Meadows and Hyson Green Libraries. For further details contact Hilary or Christina on Tel: 0115 9152873 or e-mail: local_studies.library@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
Other information can be found in the Black History Newsletter downloadable from the Nottinghamshire UNISON website: www.nottsunison.org.uk


For more details:
Tel: Selwyn Seymour (Notts UNISON Equalities Officer) 0115 9810405