19 January 2007

CYP restructuring: UNISON's initial comments

The following was sent on behalf of UNISON members in CYP Department on 20th December 2006.

I am sending the following comments on behalf of Unison - these are not our exhaustive comments and others may follow.

Our first comment is that the timing of the consultation means that consultation may be rushed. Many people are off work over the Christmas break and whilst we do appreciate an extension of one week more than that has been lost due to the late arrival of papers and the two week break.

Secondly without a copy of the current structure it is hard to see who will be at risk of displacement. I am requesting that a copy of the current structure is sent to all of the recognised Trade Unions ASAP.

As with previous tiers consulted upon there is a lack of consistency throughout the document, including but not exclusively;

Format of job descriptions:
This varies and should be consistent in order for informed comparisons to be made.

Qualifications required at each level:
There is much inconsistency across each tier around qualifications - some lower tier jobs require a degree whilst the 4th tier jobs specify only a relevant professional qualification. Some jobs say degree or relevant experience others say degree - Let's have consistency across the department!

p179 Essential 'at least grade B in English and Maths' other posts at this level and above do not have this as an essential this should not be the only post to ask for this. Leave this out is my comment. Another comment about this post is re: 'Desirable (i) Since when has psychometric testing been an agreed selection tool in NCC and when and at which level is it used?

Some posts ie p167 are open to teachers only. This discriminates against a large number of talented staff who do not hold teaching qualifications but are very able to perform the duties of the post. Examination of this job description shows that this post has nothing to suggest it can only be performed by a teacher and I would hope that this would be reviewed - at least when the current postholder leaves.

Driving licence essential and good health record as per several of the posts seems to contravene the DDA, can this be addressed?

Post ID within the charts has not been easy as the titles on the charts does not appear to match the job description in every case.

Why does the Placement and Panels Service Manager accrue +2 increments and when are they applied?

p131 Why is there a grade attached?

Some posts have grades attached, how is this possible? If grades should be available by February we will have further comments then, albeit outside the timescale allowed, it is impossible to comment on the individual job descriptions in detail without attached grades.

Jo Myers

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